
Our 10:00 AM worship service is a nice blend of Traditional and Modern worship styles. From organ music to a contemporary band, our worship seeks to draw everyone together and solicit a unique, enriching experience for all who worship in person and online.

If you are coming to worship in person, come dressed as you feel comfortable You will see worshippers dressed in a variety of comfort and formality, and yes, you can come in your nice blue jeans. We have a nursery available for children 4 years and younger and worship activity bags for younger children.

Sunday worship is an approximately 60 minute service held in our historic 1892 sanctuary.

Children are always welcome in worship.

At this time our bishop asks that we we wear mask to protect the children who are unable to be vaccinated. It is optional.

A sample of our worship service may be viewed below.

Are you a visitor? Please introduce yourself to us so we may get to know you by completing our online visitor card – on this link. https://forms.gle/AUaiQDxJFeGov8XU9

Sunday, July 12th – Welcome Pastor Adam

A Tale of Two Brothers – Bulletin https://online.flippingbook.com/view/690494/