Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir sings an anthem and leads worship music most of the year for Sunday Worship weekly at 10:00 AM, as well as prepares music for special seasonal services. The Chancel Choir rehearses on Wednesday nights at 7:15. No prior experience is necessary, just a love for worship music.

Heritage Ringers Handbell Choir
The Heritage Ringers are a dedicated group of ringers, ranging in experience from beginner to advanced. The Ringers play in the 10:00 AM Worship Service every four to six weeks and rehearse on Wednesday nights at 6:00. At least some previous knowledge of music is helpful, but not required.

Learning Tree Music
Our Learning Tree Preschool students gather for music twice a week, on Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings. The students learn songs and movement to music, learn about a variety of instruments, get to play lots of different percussion instruments, and prepare songs for special programs during the year. The students also learn worship songs in Chapel.