Children’s Ministries

Vacation Bible SchoolJune 5-9, 2023

First United Methodist has Vacation Bible school each summer. Join us in 2023 for the Hero Hotline as we are called together to Serve God. Vacation Bible School is from 9AM – Noon, June 5-9. To register click on the link or call the church office at 940.665-3926.

Sunday School

Sunday School is at 9:00AM. Children meet with leaders Jim Smith and Whitney for Bible Story time, Crafts and Puppets.

Parents Night Out, Kids Night In

We host this several times a year on a Friday night. Games, Slides, Crafts, movies and more. Children enjoy an evening of worship and play from 6:00 PM – 10:00PM. Must be registered with the church office to attend. 2 years – 5th grade.

Children in Worship

Children of all ages are always welcome in our Sunday Worship. We know that children have wiggles and giggles, and that is okay! The sounds of children are the sounds of our future! We provide activity bags with coloring pages that follow the worship sermon too.

A Time for Children – One of the most exciting times in our Sunday Worship is A Time for Children, because you never know what stories might be told! Every Sunday we have a special time as part of our worship service for the children of all ages to come forward and have a story just for them. And they are usually ready to respond!

J.U.G. (Jesus Urges Generosity) – During the offering time of our service, the kids are invited to come forward to place their gifts in our J.U.G. The money collected goes to a different mission area each month, either around our church, around our community, or around the world!

Acolyte Ministry

Each Sunday, children or youth bring the light into our worship space at the beginning of the service, then to take it out as we close worship. Being an acolyte is open to children in 2nd Grade and older. We hold Acolyte Training Sessions a few times a year so that the Acolytes understand the full meaning of the part that they are playing in our worship. For more information about becoming an Acolyte, please contact Susan Beall, Director of Music & Children’s Ministries.


Our Nursery workers create a fun and safe atmosphere for our children through age 4. Our brightly colored room is ready for play and they may enjoy playground time outdoors, (weather permitting) and Bible stories. These children also receive the pre-reader hand-out to follow our Bible Story Basics series.